Sunday, January 16, 2011

Black Swan review

Initially reluctant to see Black Swan, I finally succumbed.  The trailers had made it seem something like a horror film (I don't like horror films) and ultimately I concluded that it WAS something of a horror film.

It's a movie depicting the disintegration of a personality.  But the audience is not given time to develop sympathy with that personality before it begins to come apart; in fact the disintegration began prior to the start of the film.  It feels a little like coming into the middle of a film that has been running for thirty or forty-five minutes.  Additionally, some shots were too painful for me to watch, such as her picking at skin she had already scratched into wounds. Thus, I missed a crucial point in the film because I just couldn't watch.

There were bright spots:  the costumes, especially that of the black swan, were great, and Natalie Portman's performance is superb.  I'm glad that seeing the film is in my past and hope Portman wins an Oscar.

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